At Christ the Good Shepherd, the starting point for Sacrificial Giving is the basic principle of Christian stewardship - that everything we have is a gift from God.
In gratitude for God’s generosity, we offer a variety of ways to support the parish with sacrificial giving of our Time, Talent and Treasure.
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In 2019, Christ the Good Shepherd launched the Angel Rent Initiative 1 Campaign (ARI).
The campaign focused on raising funds to cover the monthly rent of our beautiful church, the business and education offices and our very active social hall. We asked each parishioner to determine if there was an amount, above and beyond normal weekly giving, that you could pledge toward this worthy and necessary initiative.
We asked you to share and be generous. With great love, the parish responded overwhelmingly. The ARI 1 campaign was a tremendous success, with each of you sharing your wonderful treasure.
Once again, we come to you asking you to be a Real Presence, to be Christ to one another and our community as we launch our Angel Rent Initiative 2 Campaign.
The ARI 2 Campaign will raise funds to again cover the now $4,700 monthly rent of our beautiful church, the business and education offices and our social hall. We are asking each parishioner to determine if there is a donation amount, above and beyond your normal weekly giving, that you could pledge toward this worthy and absolutely necessary initiative.
If a family is not in a position to pledge additional funds at this time, you can still participate by praying for the success of this vital campaign!
Our #1 goal is for 100% participation from all our families in this important campaign. This means we need to hear from you. When you receive the mailing, please return your ARI 2 pledge form as soon as possible.
Know that we will continue to provide regular updates on parishioner participation and the success of the ARI 2 campaign.
Please help Christ the Good Shepherd be the Real Presence of Christ to each other and to others in need in our community.
Your pledge will certainly serve as an act of immeasurable love.
For this, and for all you do, we are most grateful. Thank you so very much.
If you have any questions regarding the ARI 2 Campaign, please feel free to talk with Fr. Harry or Bp. Michael.
Our sincere and prayerful regards.
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