We begin the season of Ordinary Time with Scriptures that remind us that in God, what we may call ordinary, is far from ordinary. God’s love is over the top, it flows abundantly, and if we allow ourselves to experience it, God’s love fills us from our toes all the way to the top of our head.
In our Gospel passage this weekend, we have the opportunity to reflect upon the Wedding Feast of Cana where Jesus turns jars of water into choice wine. John tells us that the miracle was a sign, the beginning of many signs that would reveal his glory. This passage is loaded with symbolism that points us to God’s abundant love.
The miracle occurred in the context of a wedding feast. The guests came to celebrate the joy of two people in love who pledged to walk together on life’s journey. As the jars of water were changed into wine, Jesus made it possible for everyone to rejoice, to celebrate the power of love. It was not just about the married couple as Jesus made it possible for the entire community to rejoice and to drink deeply of the miraculous wine.
The account of the Wedding Feast of Cana is also an invitation for us to join together as we celebrate God’s love in our lives. As Jesus provided the wine for the celebration, the guests also had to do their part. They had to come to the celebration and participate. In the same way, we are invited to the banquet of God’s love where the bread and wine flow freely. We are invited to feast as we celebrate God’s love in our lives. We are invited, but each one of us needs to respond in our own unique way.
This week, let us ponder how we respond to God’s love in our lives. How do we say yes to God’s invitations along faith’s journey?
May God bless you and your loved ones today, tomorrow, and forever more.