The Feast of Epiphany calls to mind the words of Saint Augustine, a quote you often hear me share, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in thee.” With the Feast of Epiphany, we begin to shift our focus from God coming to us, to our response to God’s invitation in our lives. Like the Magi, as we journey in faith, we seek an encounter with the Divine, where we find peace, unconditional love, and wholeness.
The word “epiphany” comes from a Greek word meaning manifestation. It reminds that what we celebrate at Christmas is much more than a historical event. When we seek God, God is manifested to us in unexpected ways, often in the simple and ordinary events of life. God is always present, but how often do we fail to see or feel God’s presence?
The Magi saw a star rising in the sky and somehow knew it would lead them to a place to which they were called. They believed that at the end of their journey, they would find a little child that was destined to change the world. They endured challenges and journeyed into the unknown with faith, believing that they would meet the one destined to bring peace, healing, and love to a fractured world.
With age, I have come to realize that I most experience God’s presence in times of challenge, when I most relay on God’s help to get me through a difficult time. However, the Feast of Epiphany reminds us that every day is an opportunity to discover God wherever we find ourselves, whether it be a joyous occasion, an ordinary moment, or a time of challenge. Our Emanuel is with us always. Like the Magi, when we allow the yearning for God deep within our hearts to lead us forward, we discover God in new and exciting ways.
The Magi brought extravagant gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The gift that God most desires is a relationship with each of us. The gold we offer is the sharing of our time, talents, and treasures as strive to live our faith. The frankincense we offer is the time we dedicate to prayer, attending Mass, receiving the Eucharist, and giving thanks for the gifts we receive in life. The myrrh we offer is our patient endurance in the face of challenge, remaining faithful even when it is difficult.
My friends, as we begin this new year, I pray that we continue to journey together in faith as we discover God in new and exciting ways.
May God bless you and your loved ones today, tomorrow, and forever more.