Our Gospel reading this weekend presents two parables of Jesus involving seeds that are used to explain the reign of God. When you think about it, a seed is an amazing thing that holds enormous potential. From something so tiny, life can sprout. Like human life, every seed has potential and the life that breaks forth has a role to play in God’s kingdom.
The first parable speaks to the miracle of life involving the cooperation between God and humanity. The farmer plants the seed, but the growth is in God’s hands. Once the soil is prepared and the seed is planted, the farmer has to wait for it to germinate and begin the process of growth and maturity. The point of the parable is that the reign of God is ultimately in God’s hands. Each one of us is dependent upon God. We exist only in God’s love.
Building upon the first parable, Jesus explained that faith is like a tiny mustard seed, when cultivated and nurtured, it grows into a sturdy tree that provides shelter and shade from the struggles of life. God planted deep in our hearts the desire for a relationship, for communion with God. And, like a farmer, we need to care for and protect our faith so that it can develop deep roots that will sustain us through the storms of life.
When our faith grows strong, when we live our faith, the whole world benefits. Just as the mustard seed grows into a mighty plant that provides shelter and shade for the birds of the sky, our faith provides comfort and solace to the world around us. As a community of faith, we together find the strength and tools to nurture and grow our faith. Each one of us has a crucial role to play in God’s reign, and when we cooperate, when we grow, we all benefit, the world benefits.
Faith is not something meant to be held inside or lived in isolation. Faith flourishes in a community centered on God. Together, with God’s help and grace, we can build the reign of God one day at a time. While we may stumble and fall, while we may let our faith whither at times, God’s hand is always there to strengthen and guide us, to lead us forward.
May God bless you and your loved ones today, tomorrow, and forever more.