Our scripture readings this weekend speak to the transformative power of love. We continue to break open the Sermon on the Mount which began with the Beatitudes and now continues with our role to bring light to the world, flavoring it with our uniqueness.
With the Beatitudes, Jesus shared with us an intimate insight into the way that God relates to us. God is not impressed with power and riches. Instead, God relates with us on a deeply personal level, taking note of those who suffer, who are gentle, who show compassion, and who are left behind. In giving us the Beatitudes, Jesus invites us to share those qualities with one another by opening our hearts in love.
A consistent them in our scriptures is the belief that our value is not measured by wealth, power, or even our actions, but rather it is measured by the love and compassion with which we show to other people. As we continue to break open the words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount, we learn that we can become a light to the world and salt for the earth when we show love and compassion for one another.
God created each one of us in love to be the unique and beautiful person we have become. We cannot let the wounds of life turn us inwards, creating protective walls that separate us from one another. In fact, Isaiah challenges us to reach out in love towards others: “Then will your light shine like the dawn and your wound be quickly healed over”. You notice Isaiah didn’t say that our healing would come from finding a helping hand, but rather he said our healing comes when we reach out in love – there’s a big difference.
As we continue our journey of faith, let us ask God for the wisdom, strength, and courage to share ourselves with the world around us. No matter where we find ourselves, may we always respond to one another with love, compassion, and open hands, letting God’s light lead us forward.
May God bless you and your loved ones today, tomorrow, and forevermore.