This weekend we celebrate the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. Rather than focusing on the theology, a more important issue for us is our lived experience of the Trinity as God’s beloved. The Trinity is a living mystery that shapes how we should live and gives purpose and meaning to our lives.
We live the mystery of the Trinity when we understand that God wants to be in a relationship with us. Our scriptures contain story after story of God reaching out, forgiving, showing compassion, and welcoming people back into God’s loving embrace. God desires you and me. It is personal. God wants to be in relationship with you and me, not in some generic sense, but in a deeply personal and loving way. God walks with us no matter what we do or how far we stray, waiting with welcoming arms to wrap us up into a loving embrace.
Jesus showed us what it means to be in a relationship with God. It was intimate and personal from his birth to his death on the cross. We see how his relationship nourished him and gave him strength. Just as God created us with God’s own hands, breathing life into us giving us, Jesus beathed on those early disciples and breathes on you and me, giving us life in the Holy Spirit. This is what it means to be part of God’s family – we are never alone.
We live the mystery of the Trinity when we realize that our relationship with God pushes us out into the world to care for our sisters and brothers. We are not expected to love as God loves, for that would be impossible, but we are challenged to adopt the values and attitudes that Jesus taught us, the good news of the gospel.
My friends, God the Creator, loved us into being, Jesus, the Redeemer came into our world and helped us see how we ought to live, giving us example of what it means to love, and the Holy Spirit, lives among us, sanctifing us and leading and guiding us forward. The mystery of the Trinity surrounds us, and we live that mystery when we love God and one another.
May God bless you and your loved ones today, tomorrow, and forever more.