“My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.” For me, those beautiful
words are a reminder of the yearning planted deep in our hearts for a
relationship with God, the God who created us, who loves us, and who
never stops inviting us to a deeper and more profound relationship. Like
any healthy relationship, our relationship with God requires active
participation on our part. While God will never stop loving us, it is our
choice how we respond to that love.
St. Matthew, in our gospel reading this weekend, cautions us to be
prepared, to stay alert, and to not lose focus. It is a reminder for us to
make our relationship with God a priority in our busy lives. How do we
make and keep God a priority in our lives? By praying, by coming to
church, by loving and forgiving others – in other words, practicing holiness.
The basic meaning of holiness is to become more Godlike. Jesus enjoyed
life, he lived a life full of laughter, music, dancing, and joy. He also knew
the importance of prayer and of having a relationship with the Almighty.
Jesus demonstrated for us how we should love – love God, love our
neighbors, and love ourselves. If love is our guide, we cannot go wrong.
As we continue our journey of faith, may we always take time to have a
conversation with Jesus, sharing what is in our heart and listening to the
stillness where God quietly speaks to us and envelops us in God’s loving
embrace. While it takes practice to sit in silence in God’s presence, it is in
the stillness, when we quiet our minds, where we can feel God’s loving
embrace in a profound way. “My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.”
May God bless you and your loved ones today, tomorrow, and
Fr. Harry