How often have we heard, or perhaps uttered those words ourselves when our sense of justice or fairness was challenged? This weekend’s gospel certainly challenges our sense of fairness. Workers who spent the day toiling in the field are paid the same wage as those who worked for merely a few hours. Not only were the latecomers paid the same wage, but they were paid first. To further challenge our sense of fairness, Jesus tells us, “…the last will be first and the first will be last.”
Isaiah helps us shed some light on this parable, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways says the Lord.” Over the past three weeks our gospel readings have pushed us to open our minds and our hearts to God’s overwhelming mercy, forgiveness, and love. Jesus is inviting us to see beyond our logic and understand that with God, everyone is embraced equally! God’s love and mercy is beyond our understanding. God’s love does not have to be earned; it is freely given to all people, saint and sinner. It is never too late to embrace God’s mercy, compassion, and love.
In essence, none of us are worthy of God’s overwhelming love, but we are drawn in, invited to accept that love which is freely given, not earned. When we live in God’s love, it frees us to give up the dynamics of competition, to free ourselves of jealousy and pettiness, and see all people as sister and brother. When we understand how God forgives, we are invited to also forgive without limit. When we understand how God loves, we are invited to let God’s love shine in and through us, leading us to love even our enemies.
Because God’s love is limitless, there is enough for everyone, we don’t have to compete for it or compare ourselves to one another. In God’s house we are all equal and invited to feast at the table of the Lord without exception.
This week, I invite you to spend some time reflecting on God’s overwhelming love and to ponder how that love influences our thoughts, words, and actions.
May God bless you and your loved ones today, tomorrow, and forevermore.