While it is true that we are all called to be evangelizers, if you are anything like me, there are times when I hesitate speaking up because I worry if this is a “good time” to bring up such a sensitive topic as faith. You know, it’s at a party and we’re all having a god time and, well, I don’t want to create tension or an uncomfortable moment. So instead of seizing the moment, I defer. Never to have the opportunity again. What was I afraid of?? Why did I hesitate? Why did I wait? We have a friend who has demonstrated with her life that the moment is always NOW. For all things in life, waiting is simply not worth it. In a recent blog, she wrote: “I found myself … saying, “When I am stronger, then _____”. I still find my thoughts beginning with, “When I don’t have to take any meds, then _____” or “When I stop hitting walls of fatigue and having to lay down randomly throughout the day, then _____”. This is the exact opposite of embracing the beauty and power of NOW. How long will I continue to live my life waiting for the future, when life is happening at this very moment?” As I read her post, I found myself nodding my head in agreement. Not because I do what she does, but because I do NOT do it as well as I know I should. I miss the moment to enjoy a sunset, appreciate a kindness, to help someone in need, to step up and speak truth, and yes, to share my faith as boldly as I should. Being a baptized Catholic is a calling to share the story of God’s loving mercy and of how Jesus is risen and working in each and every one of our lives today thru the power of the Holy Spirit. My challenge is to remember not to wait for that “prefect” moment and just do it NOW. Every Day.