She was only three years old and sitting on the couch watching a cartoon. She was completely mesmerized by the story and the music. She was oblivious to anyone around her and the light in her eyes and the little smile on her face was simply precious. You could see the pure joy and contentment she was experiencing at that moment. Please God, may I always be able to remember that image. I have no doubt that there are many of you who can relate to that image with either your own child or grandchild. It was such a peaceful moment in an otherwise busy, full-speed-ahead weekend, and it gave me such incredible sense of peace. I found myself saying a quick prayer of thanks for being allowed to witness her happiness. Today’s readings are as full of contradictions as is the Advent season. “Slow down”, we are told. But we have so much shopping to do! “Pray more”, we are encouraged. But there are so many cookies to bake! “Repent”, we are admonished. But I’m always in a rush! In today’s First Reading, we hear the favorite strains from Isaiah. “The baby shall play by the cobra’s den, and the child shall lay his hand on the adder’s lair. …and a child will lead them” But then comes the contradiction. “He shall strike the ruthless…and shall slay the wicked.” In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist stood there crying out to “Repent for the [Reign of God] is at hand!” He knew that Jesus was getting ready to begin his ministry and John wanted people to get ready to hear Jesus’ radical message of contradictions. Did you know that the word Repent means to change your heart and minds? “Change your heart and minds, because the rich are not the ones I am most impressed with.” “Change your heart and minds, because the powerful are not the ones really in control.” “Change your heart and minds, because fancy cars or homes do not impress me.” As I struggle to change my heart and mind this Advent, I am called to share the desire to know the love of God with those I realize are struggling, who are living the contradiction. It’s scary to do it because I know they are already stressed and I don’t want to overwhelm them. But at the same time, I want to be sure that they hear that there is an option. There really is a way to find peace in this world. There is a way to be able to find time to sit on the couch with pure joy and to smile. But before I can sit, I have to kneel, and change my heart and mind. Every day.