Remember the big orange hair dude? You know – the guy who somehow showed up at every major sporting event with a big orange wig holding the sign that said: John 3:16? First I’d really like to know how he got all those tickets with prime seating and the second thing I’d like to know is if holding that sign really made a difference. After all these years hearing the opening phrase in today’s Gospel, “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…” [Jn 3:16] and seeing it on TV for so many years, I have to ask. Has it made any difference? When I see or hear the same thing over and over again, there is a danger to “tune out” or even ignore the message. But these words should bring me great peace. This Gospel tells me that the world is precious and completely loved by its Creator. Everything in the world is loved. From the smallest flower and tiniest bug all the way down to me. Yes…and you too. “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world” [Jn 3:17] God never intended this world to be a place of anger, violence or hate. God is love and Jesus preached love and forgiveness and the Spirit is the breathe that sends that love and peace to each of us. This world was never meant to be so sad. Humankind has done a god job of that on our own. Think of all the theories, philosophies a and worldviews that have spoken of pain and sadness as normative. If they are right, then is today’s Gospel correct? Their POV’s lead to suspicion leads to judgmentalism which leads to pain. And don’t we see too much of that today in our world? When I start to judge people, even a little, I easily slide down the slippery slope of objectivizing them instead of seeing them as brothers and sisters. That is not what I am called to do as a follower of Jesus. In today’s second reading, Paul lays it out for me. “Brothers and sisters, rejoice. …encourage one another, Agree with one another, live in peace, And the God of love and peace will be with you.” [2 Cor 13: 12] This is not an evil world. God does not create evil. I choose whether or not I will do good today, or not do good. I want to keep todays readings on my heart so that I see each person and each created thing as part of the goodness of God. Every Day